Holmes: "Mo's Revenge": An Urban Super Sleuth Tv Pilot


Holmes arrests Mo for extortion and illegal arms dealing. Mo pledges an oath of revenge. Mo walks free on a technicality when Mo’s lawyers draw ties to Holmes and a crime boss. Holmes resigns from the force. Flash forward 3 years later. Independence Day weekend. Mo now has the most powerful crime syndicate in Detroit. He’s Mo, ergo “Mo-Town.” Mo is promoting a huge Independence Day Celebration and “MoTown Review” on the waterfront. All of the heads of the other crime syndicates will be there. The crime bosses believe that Mo’s Independence Day Celebration is to give them their independence. Unbeknownst to them, Mo’s Independence Day Celebration is to celebrate his independence from them. At the end of the Motown Review, when all the fireworks go off, a small nuclear bomb will blow up all of Mo’s enemies at one time as well as thousands of innocent bystanders–Mo’s Independence Day Massacre.
